Happy new year to all. Somehow managed to stay put at home keying in data for some extra cash. Planning to go out with some friends within this month...
Heard sone funny news... Mat Hassan recently tried to get involved with the appointment of YDPBNS... a fools errand i'd say. For one, the Undangs are hard core conservatives. THE pillars of adat pepatih long ago absorbed in the roots of N9. The system is rather crude... despite urbanization and globalization... the core of the minangkabau's spirit is still relevant. I would explain more about it but that would relive memories of my answering SPM's essay (somehow i manage to get an A1 in Sejarah despite not having a textbook). As to be expected, Mat Hassan was kinda shooed away. He has no business within the circle and was considered an outsider. I'm not even sure what suku he's from. Always joked that some people are from suku biduanda and suku this and that.... but some are from 3 suku! >.<
PKR Selangor is facing problems, or is it? We generally know most of the Indian PKR members are also members of Hindraf... this i know from personal experience. Kapar and a few others are demanding that the leadership should take heed of their demands regarding the Indian community.
There are two ways to look at this... one to ASSUME that reform takes 10 months to materialise... another assume reform is a continuous process... and a never ending one at that.
I believe that the leadership SHOULD heed the plights of the Indian community, more so when we also realise that a majority of them are also muslims. Forget colour, forget race. Islam is for all. However Kapar must also realise the effects of his actions... it shows immaturity, impatience and the lack of loyalty for a common cause. It is not possible for change to occur overnight, nor is it possible to change institutions or norms. I wonder if Kapar is assuming that Samy Toupee, despite being in power for decades, has done as much as PKR has done in 10 months? If money is the aim of his demands (money for development,not personal use) than there is always a solution. Heck, Samy has been using the Indian issue for so long to get personal benefits... i'm sure Kapar can do a better job in his current position as he is sincere and spearheading his community's plight. As usual the media has been sending out the wrong messages. Always confusing people and directing attention to the wrong issues or point of views.
Another way to look at this is... theres a hidden agenda. Losing ground in a PKR held state will definitely to an extent affect PKR. Theres a by election looming. Political play is at hand.
Some did say Khalid is running the state in a business like manner. He WAS with sime darby. He is a corporate figure, and better still..he is a bloody good corporate manager. How better to run a state if not effectively done corporate style? 10 months to reform a state... is rather impossible. More so when there are other shadowy parties jumping at every corner attempting to fail the process. The shadow government? More like a joke, how can one as filthy with bacteria as a toilet bowl... want to expose stuff he did bluntly when in power? Sounds not only hypocritical but outrageous as well. Anyone noticed why Toyol seems silent recently? I only hope enough evidence has been found to lock him up for good. Did go to Shah Alam's government buildings after the election... files were missing, cables unplugged and gone... sure did a hell of a job clearing stuff. You have to acknowledge these people have skills when covering up their tracks.
Another thing to be reminded is... there is a large majority of civil servants in state that are pro-umno. Saying this... refers to top management level. Hell, you dont get appointed if you don't have the political leverage and backing (an umno way of life). This PKR must learn... and Penang has shown an example. Appoint people disregarding the political background... but based on capability and skills. Yes, i know this is almost unheard of... but no harm in mentioning.
Another thing (which i have mentioned before)... keep at bay those who seem to support reform recently. We never know their true intentions. Some sway. Some are pure opportunists. Some maybe sincere. We all know about Ruslam Kasim... the mere mention makes me barf in disgust. But truth be told... he was facing a tough time, rougher than most, economically speaking. He wasn't as established and sturdy monetarily as those like him in the early days of reform. I may not like him but i do understand his situation.
I was thinking of bashing ABIM today, but maybe later on. They have been laying low for a while and the ground troops have been rather buzzing with activity. I'll save it for another day... about JIM too.