Singa Beng

Just ramblings.

Monday, January 5, 2009

I wonder where suntut victim is nowadays...

Anyone seen Saiful the anal sex fetish? Should ask his dad then, he was so proud of his son being an anal fan.

Over and over i find it impossible to believe that a 20 something kid would allow an aged man... a man with back problems... to sodomize him... 6 times!!! Saiful must sure like anal pleasure, if not he'd certainly just shove the old guy away. I mean, to force a well built youth to strip his pants down, forcefully parting his legs... that needs a lot of physical strength. Something the old man would definately lack. All gay men out there, get Saifuls contact number please!!!

And to think that the first person Saiful poured his heart out was Najib... of all the people. Maybe they have the same passion in anal pleasure. Well, we can't rule that out just yet. We have the police, Religious Affairs Department and logically.... a DPM isn't someone easy to get hold of. So this enlightens us on one value Najib has, which so far no other minister has shown... he loves to hear sodomy stories no matter how busy he is? Ok.. well then... all sodomy victims, or fetishers please contact Najib... he'll be willing to hear your stories of problems... ie what type of lubricants, positions... the sorts.

The judiciary must be liberated. Malaysian courts are far better known because of anal cases and biased rulings plus executive inteference than transparency. Heck... we don't even call the Palace of Justice as Istana Keadilan in Malay because of politics.


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