Singa Beng

Just ramblings.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Here's something to ponder...

Shahrir said something like this (tv3); The RMK9 was designed with and made with forseeing possible economic slowdowns in mind.

note : My God... these people are good. they can foresee the future.

Muhyi said; RMK9 can be argued and debated during proper channels and was debated before.

note : DSAI wasnt in parliament previously

Here's the punchline (NSTP 14th October) : "But Anwar is totally ignored by the Barisan Nasional lawmakers... At one point there were only four backbenchers in the House..(some other words used)... indifferent...chatting in the lounge... did not bother in rebuttals...

Oh yeah... thats the attitude of arrogant BN MP's. Reform from within? Rubbish. Willing to listen to views? Yeah right. How do we expect change when these arrogant dinosaurs are still alive and breathing? I am wondering why NSTP even published this story, just showed how immature and arrogant our BN MP's are (if not stupid since they can't rebutt any points). Pak Lah maybe the last of the Razak generation... think we should rid of Mahathirs... his own... all the way to his son in law. Maybe then the rakyat will be able to breath.

When Lim voiced out about ISA... a BN butthead challenged him outside of the House... Lim called him samseng... and he's right. What kinda MP have we appointed to the House??? Tak puas hati debate kat dewan... ajak gaduh kat lua? Macam budak tak sunat.

Brahim lak... mentioned about the necessity of ISA and the sole reason it was made... to counter terrorism... national security threats... this SHOULD include mobilising ISA based on simple police reports that any tom dick and harry can make against anyone without any investigations or intelligence work done first. It can even be mobilised against bloggers. All in all... it doesn't matter what the subsequent results of any investigation or prosecution is done (6 years after or more)... all the police and judiciary would say is that it was just and fair. Fark off la. The only way you get an inkling of hope to be released is if you can be used as bullet against a political enemy... not because the system is just and fair.

There was a forum held today by the BAR... in relation with the DNA bill, almost laughed... all said one thing in common... yes, the bill is good and the policy necessary BUT the question is... IS the police force COMPETANT? In other words (put a bit roughly), are the police to be trusted not to MANIPULATE? Ask anyone... ok... in this case ask anything... kambing ke, ayam kampung ke... anjing ke... all would say NO (if they could talk). We know the specificity and sensitivity of DNA testing. The question is of human error or more likely intended error. We've seen Malaysia become the laughing stock of the world when those policemen started carrying DSAI's alleged mattress (1998 sodomy case) like the holy grail. After that... notice anyone getting promoted? We can't even trust the people entrusted to protect and serve us.

Watching RTM1... Syed as the moderator... some pengarah of jabatan perpaduan and... racial integration? A guy from Institute of Ethnic relations UKM i think... and another from... social something2. Was interested when the guy from Jabatan Perpaduan commented about racial issues... mentioning it happens each time Umno, MCA and MIC elections are looming. No mention of Pakatan Rakyat. What i really wanted to comment on was the mod, Syed bantut kaki pendek. Kite tau la bapak dia kat bota tuh org umno totok. Dia pun sama. Dia tak sedar ke, jadi moderater atau commentator takle bias. Yob, paham tak maksud bias? Ke tak paham? Each and everytime an issue arises, he'd jump at a chance to degrade the opposition... he'd divert and give a bad review or direct the talk prefering BN. Kalau nak jadi anjing BN pun, jangan la bagi nampak sangat, malu kaum beb. Akta Perhubungan kaum was the topic. Someone sms on the show; All this shows failure of the education system. Couldn't have agreed more. As a batch 'experimented' by the MOE, i understand.

Todays news (TV3) was also vomit material. Isu pencerobohan tanah / hutan in Selangor. Land being developed in to houses, agriculture, bird houses... etc. A pakcik claimed he had met Yaakob Sapari with the other penerokas and was promised the problem would be solved... to make it more dramatic... he CALLED Yaakob and we could hear him talking with Yaakob. Whoa, this Exco must really be free... and this pakcik must seriously be some big shot, i mean... maybe he's royalty or a fucking billionaire investing in Selangor and Yaakob has saved this pakciks name in his hand phone and tagged as 'Bloody Important Pakcik'. The segment also interviewed a Chinese uncle in front of his house, uncle said he had bought the land for RM5000 and has lived there for 12 years. Oh yeah, pakcik peneroka tadi lak... 7 tahun mengusahakan tanah tu. Owh... Pakatan Rakyat has been in power for? A few months. Get the pic? 'Pencerobohan Tanah Semakin Tak Terkawal' was the title... indicating maybe that somehow... at one point of time everybody picked up a new hobby... MENCEROBOH TANAH conveniently when Pakatan Rakyat took over? Wtf. Wartawan2 TV3 ni bodoh ke hape. Pengarah Jabatan Hutan confirmed that the land was trespassed. Confirm je ke? lain tak wat ke? Ke dapat arahan dari org lain, suh bia and jadikan isu? Banyak sangat anjing sekarang ni, tak terkawal.

An MCA lady mentioned that Malays aren't actually peribumi here in Malaysia. Real Malaysians? Orang asli. Shes probably right. Get rid of the bumiputera status. Let Malays suffer and go thru hardship. Orang Melayu memang dah lemak tahap bodoh. Let the Chinese and Indians rule... baru rasa. Baru sedar selama ni kena tipu kena suntut ngan pemimpin umno. This is one reason why PAS will always remain relevant, they are based on a religion where race dont mean a shit.

Today's paper announced petrol prices are to be reduced another 10-20 cents. Roughly about 6.1% reduction. Previously already reduced by 10 cents... Now it costs 2.30 per liter... still a far cry from the 1.92... and we're supposed to feel happy? I doubt food prices or other stuff will be reduced. KPDN is just a court jester. Prices will not go up but they still do. There is nothing that would stop traders to maintain pricing currently. Was wondering why we never did fluctuate fuel prices according the global market before the Pak Lah administration.

Anyways, the umno elections is getting way out of hand. umno members opressing umno members? some meetings being called null and void? more ballots then delegates? election hopefuls being subject to character assassination? blackmail? money politics? you name the fucking problem... they have it. Put two and two together... this is just a PARTY election. imagine what they do in REAL elections. Imagine how they GOVERN. Again its good mainstream papers highlight this. The not so stupid majority can judge.

Owh... the local artists have made quite a stir objecting Datuk Shah's datukship. What the hell does a multi million dollar hot shot bollywood actor whose movies transcends borders have in comparison to a local artist who can barely act or even have enough money to pay bills??? Erm.. whats his/her name... erm... i can't even remember any local actor/tress names. Ok, the late P.Ramlee... one. Hell yeah.... we have so much talent... our industry has reached bollywood status, and our actors have payslips accounting to millions per annum. Maybe thats why they are barking so much. Tak sedar diri tul. Owh, did you know... to bring in outside artists... one has to pay royalty or some sort of fee to the ministry of culture and arts? i'm talking not 500 bucks... but tens of thousands. Understood that it was to protect our local entertainment industry... see, we are that weak, useless and so incompetent we have to make a law deterring outside artists from competing. Same as proton. If there were no levies taxes duties on continental cars... even i could afford a beemer even when i'm unemployed.

I always made it a point never to pay to see a locally shot movie, no matter what the review. I was onced forced by a girlfriend to watch... erm... cinta.. sailormoon? something starting with cinta something2 around 10 years ago... slept the whole stretch of the movie. At that point i just assumed i was doing my part contributing to the local movie industry by parting with some money out of pity. My point is... P. Ramlee despite being advanced and evergreen for his time... until now the current industry hasn't caught up.

Ok... only one tv programme did catch my attention... Upin & Ipin, saying so... because my kid loved it. The animations were so-so... but to me... it was a major breakthrough. We are in 2008 but still unable to produce a simple animation of the Doraemon/Dragonball/Yuyu Hakusho quality/generation... saddening. Pathetic.

Hopefully rezeki murah. already got a profile for some services somebody wanted. Also theres a possibility of getting a job + maintenance in putrajaya... and on friday will be meeting up with a potential client interested in our services... besides a meeting on the 22nd here in the east coast regarding some investment in something rather interesting. All legal mind you. >.<

Sunday, October 12, 2008

umno... umno...

yo, hope the rulers wont succumb to certain quarters in its appointment of the CJ, court of appeal. if that head of UMNO's diciplinary board goes up... just shows what pak lah meant by judicial reform... no reform at all. Just the normal abuse of executive power... so obvious we sometimes wonder why umno survived so long. oh, forgot... Melayu mudah lupa. Dapat kain pelikat selai, semua lupa, dapat baja skit.. semua ok, dapat pinjaman tanpa cagaran yayasan tekun.. semua cantek. Whatever RTM (Rancangan Tolol Melayu) says, is the holy truth and dalil enough.

prayed at a masjid... in kuala ibai, terengganu. one thing about terengganu people, its hard to guess peoples political preference. i say this because those who support the opposition, rarely declare so since they are prone to so much discrimination and suppression and oppression... while those who support umno rarely say anything too because they are too stupid or cowardly to debate on issues. there is another sect, those in umno who truly want change... this group is something the next PM should really be wary of. The current helm of umno will NEVER change, a fact most people are aware of. With that in mind, umno will soon be in turmoil. pak lah was just caught up in the confusion and power tussle of the old guard, which sooner or later will die off, the sooner the better. the newer generation being exposed to reformasi and the Mahathir era... will most probably enforce democracy as it should... it might as well take another 50 years.

i am rather exited to see this new batch or breed of umno young turks... i mean young meaning under 40... this does not include rejects or postal ADUNs like KJ. In relation to this... i recently talked with a family friend (whom surprisingly was an avid Najib supporter)... he reasoned Najib would be a better PM than Pak Lah. I beg to differ... was too worried that blowing up people of different nationality would become a favorite Malay pastime or hobby. He said... wheres the proof? I just said... proof can be fabricated... and can be destroyed... reminded him of tun salleh. A CJ of all the people... and Anwar... all proving to be politically motivated... years later being proven all allegations were false and baseless. I pointed out to him (since he wore a kopiah), umno lacked leaders with basic Islamic principles, non had the image whatmore the akhlak and knowledge. Show me an umno leader who recites the Quran like arabic is his/her mother tongue, show me an umno leader who showers himself with ilmu akidah, tauhid, syariah, tafsir... show me an umno leader who becomes an imam anywhere he goes... show me an umno leader willing to have a debate on Islamic politics with tuan guru. what i can probably show you are leaders who are able to fuck their own mamas on national tv, go to a mosque and swear he didn't do so, and get away with it. what i can probably show you are leaders consulting their hindu high priests before answering Islam related questions (just a wild guess judging by the way Malay leaders respond to issues related to Islam, makes us think... dok blajo agama ke diorang neh).

ah... back to the masjid in kuala ibai... again and again the same verse... taatlah kepada Allah, taatlah kepada Rasul pbuh dan ketua2 di kalangan kamu. the imam had a lovely lahjah arab, and his recitation was a 10/10. But... these umno dogs (sorry la imam2 yang jadi anjing... kalau sampaikan ilmu atau maklumat... tapi tak lengkap dan misleading... dosa weeeeh, takkan memilih kot isi kandungan khutbah... kan ada verse yg cakap ada golongan yang amik secopot-secopot agama based on accommodation or convenience) always forget to elaborate and explain the critereon of the so called Ulil Amr. They only mention bersyukur bersyukur bersyukur... be thankful that the government is this and that. What exactly are these Ulil Amr??? Does an Ulil Amr have a wife that insults Islam by not wearing proper muslimin attire? Does an Ulil Amr close their eyes and do nothing about ISA, a clearly evil and abusive tool? Does the Ulil Amr practise HINDU rituals (i think some leaders are confused what religion they're following)??????? Do Ulil Amr make up their own version of Islam... allowing corruption and abuse of power, allowing alcohol beverage production, gambling, allowing festivals featuring Malay whores who dare talk about religion but do not cover their aurah and mingle freely among non mahrams for the sake of art? Even TV3 featured some Artists reciting the Quran during Ramadhan!!!! Artists yang tak tutup aurat, yang gaul bebas, kua masuk kelab malam, tade akhlak atau ciri2 muslim/muslimah langsung... TV3 bagi baca Quran kat TV. Jadi Turki la Malaysia gamaknya. Agaknya itu la matlamat pemimpin sekular umno...

The young turks. Hopefully, its people like Asyraf Wajdi, Tumpat Youth who will make a change. Most people familiar with him are those from the pro reformasi sect. Which is why he was condemned hardly by his previous peers. Unfortunately, i do see the logic behind his move. As mentioned before... there are no Islamic figures in umno. non whatsoever. two ways of seeing this... Asyraf has lost even before the battle started... or... he may bring change, even if its a tiny partical of change. If umno is to remain relevant and competitive... they should fill the youth wing with people like Asyraf, and kill people like KJ, toyol. Then hopefully umno will remain relevant. Anwar brought in his ABIM group and peers from yayasan anda decades ago. Remember that pak lah won that landslide victory due to his Islamic image...but backfired when everybody realized it was just a joke, and being PM was just an excuse to get Jeanne.

Among the first to comment on reform of BN and umno (after the march elections) was Anuar Zaini, Bernama's head honcho. Surprisingly for a pro-BN-government agency... his comments were not only daring and accusing umno for its own downfall, but wise and practical and apparently became a trend... reformasi within umno and bn. So far Muhyiding and Cool Li are the only ones with enough balls and credibility to talk about reform. Mat Taik, Toyol, Bomberman, Rice... not so convincing since most of them have downright obvious skeletons. Short Piggy may want political revenge. Mukhriz and anak Tuk Mat also anak Pak Jenal should be given a shot, new blood is needed. Please la discard KJ, all he has contributed to umno is increasing hatred and anger against the party.

KT was filled with traffic police... i believe more than 100 bikes... berpuluh patrol cars. Bomberman did come here a few days ago, maybe he stuck around to suck up to Mat Said, to gain support. Besut already nominated him. But can't be because of him (the presence of that many cops). Well, i hope the cops were having some sort of function... or maybe department leave, our policemen and women sure do need the rest. The gov should offer them free paid holidays inclusive of accommodation + food annually. IF that many police were present just to escort vips, its no wonder so many cases of accidents, road bullies, idiots behind wheels are around, the force are busy escorting veeps, shoving other cars to the road shoulder to give way. Hey, we pay taxes and toll too!!!!!

Zubaidah Abu Bakar, a columnist in NSTP today talked about umno money politics. She couldn't have been anymore blant and truthful. A previous MB and Federal Minister was just one unlucky culprit that was caught red handed and suspended for 3 years... possibly just a scapegoat. Now he's running for a top umno post. I find it hard to believe... even after being caught... suspended spelling out GUILTY as charged... they still find the guts to proceed their political ambitions. That guy who can't read English and carrying tons of cash... caught by Australian customs... is now a minister? I'm just waiting for the underage girl molester to come back in power. All this spells out one thing... our leaders comprise of a healthy mix of offenders... from corruption... to statutory rape... and these are only the ones caught... God knows of those who haven't been in the limelight yet.

The recent crackdown on HD lights was a real relief... being an astigmatism sufferer... was delighted... its difficult driving with light flarring our eyes. I think the fine of 200-300 is equavailent to the price of the lights itself. Should put 1000 at least.

Hah... about fines... what is it with 40kmph speed limits... in areas with no schools... no nothing??? The road between KL and Besut was fair enough... despite being uneven and bumpy here and there. One could easily cruise at 110kmph with no problem or threat. But noooo.... the limit is only 80 kmph... then again policemen... vips... pengarah2 don't drive at 80kmph... they can do 170 and no one would even give a peep. To me... speed does not kill. Careless, inconsiderate, stupid drivers do. With the advancement in technology... modern cars can easily go faster and safer. why curb the speed limit. a minimum speed limit is more justifiable and practical. We should appoint a PM who grew up as a mat rempit. He'd definately be a better leader than any of the current leadership.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Farewell Pak Lah, Welcome Bomberman!! Kaboom!!

So long paklah. we appreciate you letting DSAI out. besides that, your not worth that much.

So, in the near future, we can expect to see more C4 bombings. Maybe some Khutbah Jumaat or terawihs headed by hindu priests, lead by Tuan Guru Haji Master G. We've bought lots of useless weaponry, artillery and armor vehicles... now we can acquire more useless stuff. Maybe a 10 million buck gold statue of Saiful's ass. He's one hell of an asset, his asshole i mean.

Somewhere in his farewell statement, he mentioned about democracy, judicial reform, unity and equality. I'd rather interpret it as ISA, ISA, ISA, bailouts, cronyism and judicial manipulation. BPR has started setting up opposition councillors. Mahathir started out earlier with DSAI. BPR stands for? Badan Perangkap Reformasi i think. On the other hand, they've done a good job filtering unwanted entities in Pakatan. They are more than welcome to continue their job. Just one incy bit they should consider... what about their political masters? Dogs are known to bit their owners. Go.. bite!

This past year.... ASP's, sergeants, councillors, board members... directors of agencies... have been prosecuted here and there... you know, probes of 300 bucks, 5000 bucks... 10000 bucks... some favors here and there. Local councils were not spared too. Those asking for coffee money, a few thousand here and there.

Owh, that dead Perwaja head, Eric, i think he was discharged of the RM 95 million (or RM95,000,000) scandal. So... where did that 95 million go? owh... forgot, BPR's chasing the 5000 and below offenders only. Those involved with Malay reserves, state land, RM millions and above are exempted.

The media's not helping. Selective news broadcasting. I wonder why. That minister who debated with DSAI, heard he promised to resign if he failed to uphold and defend the governments policy... wonder why he considered the debate a win-win situation. He just humiliated himself. No substance. Just thrash talk. That KPDN head... kept saying 'harga barang takkan naik'... they must be living in a different country if not planet. Our so called future PM too... 'Ubah gaya hidup anda' was his advice. WTF. He gets stuff FOC. He makes millions thru proxies. How dare he tell US to change OUR lifestyle when the fault lies in government mismanagement, corruption and unfounded policy making. They do not understand the peoples misery, how hard it is to get by day by day.

The Untuk Melayu Not Others party elections is just by the corner. A toyol has offered to be youth cheif. Tak malu betul, dah kalah teruk kat negeri sendiri, ada hati nak tanding lagi. The son-in-law too, winning by postal votes... tons of of postal votes... has the guts to go for the youth top post. I'd rather vote for pakcik jaga lembu kat kampung than any of them. At least gembala lembu, they know when their livestock are angry, hungry and in distress. These people don't know shit.

MCA and a few other component parties have voiced out BN, to be one. Facilitating unity. If it was Bomberman, he'd sell his mama just to stay in power. IF it was Paklah, he'd just sleep it off. If It was Tun, the issue wouldn't have arise at all. You see, Tun in his own way, was a far better leader. Not comparable to Tun Razak though.

I sure am happy that more NGO's are being vocal, and as a plus, they too have been given airtime on the mainstream media. Thumbs up for the information ministry. BUT... RPK... still under detention. there is no freedom of speach. I always wondered what would happen if any PM, went live on national television and instructed the people of Malaysia to pee in a cup and drink it up... just how many would actually do so. I believe LOTS. We ARE that stupid and gullible. Trust me... I've met tons of UMNO worshippers, they aren't that bright. Then again, it is UMNO's policy to ensure the majority of Malays stay stupid, easier to manage and manipulate. Once in a while use the states treasury to give tidbits, wang ehsan, bantuan banjir, kain pelikat.

There is only one state ruled by UMNO i adore, Terengganu. All hail Mat Said!!! Hahaha! For now, he can fuck the federal gov and get away with it. Hopefully he'd do some change for Ganu, would sure do him good since not all district are in his favor.

Malaysia Day, Stadium Kelana Jaya. Went there. Most of the Pakatan leaders spoke. Was fun, got a free berbuka meal. Tons of people showed up. I doubt any BN functions could pull a crowd that much.

It is true, Malaysia was formed on the 16th Nov. I fail to comprehend why the gov is so reluctant to acknowledge this fact. They sure hate Sabahans and Sarawakians. Heard they were second rate citizens. All jump ship!!!

Whatever it is, i sure hope the coming UMNO elections would cause enough havoc to actually cause irreparable damage. I don't even mind if mageran was declared. Martial law. All civil entities abolished, The King reins superior. Cool!!!

Owh, think i mentioned before... i haven't registered with any political party. Nor have i voted. Some people lash out at me 'kot tak mengundi toksah byk bunyi'... i beg to differ. Talking about freedom, equality and reform does not need any prerequisites. Nor must i be part of a section or group to voice out my views. That is why i respect RPK so much. He may not be as knowledgeable about religion as some of us, but he opens up to discussion and views. Some views may be deemed radical, but it opens up our views. Sure loved it when he bashed ABIM. hahaha! ABIM shouldnt freak out, ponder on it and you'd see some truth.

A kin of mine suggested i join PKR. Said the state gov of Selangor, most contracts end by this year... they'll be opening up tenders soon. Said no. Would'nt make any differerence from what the previous state gov did. Choose based of capability, capacity and quality of work. Not because of what partyy your in. Selangor should realise this.