Here's something to ponder...
Shahrir said something like this (tv3); The RMK9 was designed with and made with forseeing possible economic slowdowns in mind.
note : My God... these people are good. they can foresee the future.
Muhyi said; RMK9 can be argued and debated during proper channels and was debated before.
note : DSAI wasnt in parliament previously
Here's the punchline (NSTP 14th October) : "But Anwar is totally ignored by the Barisan Nasional lawmakers... At one point there were only four backbenchers in the House..(some other words used)... indifferent...chatting in the lounge... did not bother in rebuttals...
Oh yeah... thats the attitude of arrogant BN MP's. Reform from within? Rubbish. Willing to listen to views? Yeah right. How do we expect change when these arrogant dinosaurs are still alive and breathing? I am wondering why NSTP even published this story, just showed how immature and arrogant our BN MP's are (if not stupid since they can't rebutt any points). Pak Lah maybe the last of the Razak generation... think we should rid of Mahathirs... his own... all the way to his son in law. Maybe then the rakyat will be able to breath.
When Lim voiced out about ISA... a BN butthead challenged him outside of the House... Lim called him samseng... and he's right. What kinda MP have we appointed to the House??? Tak puas hati debate kat dewan... ajak gaduh kat lua? Macam budak tak sunat.
Brahim lak... mentioned about the necessity of ISA and the sole reason it was made... to counter terrorism... national security threats... this SHOULD include mobilising ISA based on simple police reports that any tom dick and harry can make against anyone without any investigations or intelligence work done first. It can even be mobilised against bloggers. All in all... it doesn't matter what the subsequent results of any investigation or prosecution is done (6 years after or more)... all the police and judiciary would say is that it was just and fair. Fark off la. The only way you get an inkling of hope to be released is if you can be used as bullet against a political enemy... not because the system is just and fair.
There was a forum held today by the BAR... in relation with the DNA bill, almost laughed... all said one thing in common... yes, the bill is good and the policy necessary BUT the question is... IS the police force COMPETANT? In other words (put a bit roughly), are the police to be trusted not to MANIPULATE? Ask anyone... ok... in this case ask anything... kambing ke, ayam kampung ke... anjing ke... all would say NO (if they could talk). We know the specificity and sensitivity of DNA testing. The question is of human error or more likely intended error. We've seen Malaysia become the laughing stock of the world when those policemen started carrying DSAI's alleged mattress (1998 sodomy case) like the holy grail. After that... notice anyone getting promoted? We can't even trust the people entrusted to protect and serve us.
Watching RTM1... Syed as the moderator... some pengarah of jabatan perpaduan and... racial integration? A guy from Institute of Ethnic relations UKM i think... and another from... social something2. Was interested when the guy from Jabatan Perpaduan commented about racial issues... mentioning it happens each time Umno, MCA and MIC elections are looming. No mention of Pakatan Rakyat. What i really wanted to comment on was the mod, Syed bantut kaki pendek. Kite tau la bapak dia kat bota tuh org umno totok. Dia pun sama. Dia tak sedar ke, jadi moderater atau commentator takle bias. Yob, paham tak maksud bias? Ke tak paham? Each and everytime an issue arises, he'd jump at a chance to degrade the opposition... he'd divert and give a bad review or direct the talk prefering BN. Kalau nak jadi anjing BN pun, jangan la bagi nampak sangat, malu kaum beb. Akta Perhubungan kaum was the topic. Someone sms on the show; All this shows failure of the education system. Couldn't have agreed more. As a batch 'experimented' by the MOE, i understand.
Todays news (TV3) was also vomit material. Isu pencerobohan tanah / hutan in Selangor. Land being developed in to houses, agriculture, bird houses... etc. A pakcik claimed he had met Yaakob Sapari with the other penerokas and was promised the problem would be solved... to make it more dramatic... he CALLED Yaakob and we could hear him talking with Yaakob. Whoa, this Exco must really be free... and this pakcik must seriously be some big shot, i mean... maybe he's royalty or a fucking billionaire investing in Selangor and Yaakob has saved this pakciks name in his hand phone and tagged as 'Bloody Important Pakcik'. The segment also interviewed a Chinese uncle in front of his house, uncle said he had bought the land for RM5000 and has lived there for 12 years. Oh yeah, pakcik peneroka tadi lak... 7 tahun mengusahakan tanah tu. Owh... Pakatan Rakyat has been in power for? A few months. Get the pic? 'Pencerobohan Tanah Semakin Tak Terkawal' was the title... indicating maybe that somehow... at one point of time everybody picked up a new hobby... MENCEROBOH TANAH conveniently when Pakatan Rakyat took over? Wtf. Wartawan2 TV3 ni bodoh ke hape. Pengarah Jabatan Hutan confirmed that the land was trespassed. Confirm je ke? lain tak wat ke? Ke dapat arahan dari org lain, suh bia and jadikan isu? Banyak sangat anjing sekarang ni, tak terkawal.
An MCA lady mentioned that Malays aren't actually peribumi here in Malaysia. Real Malaysians? Orang asli. Shes probably right. Get rid of the bumiputera status. Let Malays suffer and go thru hardship. Orang Melayu memang dah lemak tahap bodoh. Let the Chinese and Indians rule... baru rasa. Baru sedar selama ni kena tipu kena suntut ngan pemimpin umno. This is one reason why PAS will always remain relevant, they are based on a religion where race dont mean a shit.
Today's paper announced petrol prices are to be reduced another 10-20 cents. Roughly about 6.1% reduction. Previously already reduced by 10 cents... Now it costs 2.30 per liter... still a far cry from the 1.92... and we're supposed to feel happy? I doubt food prices or other stuff will be reduced. KPDN is just a court jester. Prices will not go up but they still do. There is nothing that would stop traders to maintain pricing currently. Was wondering why we never did fluctuate fuel prices according the global market before the Pak Lah administration.
Anyways, the umno elections is getting way out of hand. umno members opressing umno members? some meetings being called null and void? more ballots then delegates? election hopefuls being subject to character assassination? blackmail? money politics? you name the fucking problem... they have it. Put two and two together... this is just a PARTY election. imagine what they do in REAL elections. Imagine how they GOVERN. Again its good mainstream papers highlight this. The not so stupid majority can judge.
Owh... the local artists have made quite a stir objecting Datuk Shah's datukship. What the hell does a multi million dollar hot shot bollywood actor whose movies transcends borders have in comparison to a local artist who can barely act or even have enough money to pay bills??? Erm.. whats his/her name... erm... i can't even remember any local actor/tress names. Ok, the late P.Ramlee... one. Hell yeah.... we have so much talent... our industry has reached bollywood status, and our actors have payslips accounting to millions per annum. Maybe thats why they are barking so much. Tak sedar diri tul. Owh, did you know... to bring in outside artists... one has to pay royalty or some sort of fee to the ministry of culture and arts? i'm talking not 500 bucks... but tens of thousands. Understood that it was to protect our local entertainment industry... see, we are that weak, useless and so incompetent we have to make a law deterring outside artists from competing. Same as proton. If there were no levies taxes duties on continental cars... even i could afford a beemer even when i'm unemployed.
I always made it a point never to pay to see a locally shot movie, no matter what the review. I was onced forced by a girlfriend to watch... erm... cinta.. sailormoon? something starting with cinta something2 around 10 years ago... slept the whole stretch of the movie. At that point i just assumed i was doing my part contributing to the local movie industry by parting with some money out of pity. My point is... P. Ramlee despite being advanced and evergreen for his time... until now the current industry hasn't caught up.
Ok... only one tv programme did catch my attention... Upin & Ipin, saying so... because my kid loved it. The animations were so-so... but to me... it was a major breakthrough. We are in 2008 but still unable to produce a simple animation of the Doraemon/Dragonball/Yuyu Hakusho quality/generation... saddening. Pathetic.
Hopefully rezeki murah. already got a profile for some services somebody wanted. Also theres a possibility of getting a job + maintenance in putrajaya... and on friday will be meeting up with a potential client interested in our services... besides a meeting on the 22nd here in the east coast regarding some investment in something rather interesting. All legal mind you. >.<
Shahrir said something like this (tv3); The RMK9 was designed with and made with forseeing possible economic slowdowns in mind.
note : My God... these people are good. they can foresee the future.
Muhyi said; RMK9 can be argued and debated during proper channels and was debated before.
note : DSAI wasnt in parliament previously
Here's the punchline (NSTP 14th October) : "But Anwar is totally ignored by the Barisan Nasional lawmakers... At one point there were only four backbenchers in the House..(some other words used)... indifferent...chatting in the lounge... did not bother in rebuttals...
Oh yeah... thats the attitude of arrogant BN MP's. Reform from within? Rubbish. Willing to listen to views? Yeah right. How do we expect change when these arrogant dinosaurs are still alive and breathing? I am wondering why NSTP even published this story, just showed how immature and arrogant our BN MP's are (if not stupid since they can't rebutt any points). Pak Lah maybe the last of the Razak generation... think we should rid of Mahathirs... his own... all the way to his son in law. Maybe then the rakyat will be able to breath.
When Lim voiced out about ISA... a BN butthead challenged him outside of the House... Lim called him samseng... and he's right. What kinda MP have we appointed to the House??? Tak puas hati debate kat dewan... ajak gaduh kat lua? Macam budak tak sunat.
Brahim lak... mentioned about the necessity of ISA and the sole reason it was made... to counter terrorism... national security threats... this SHOULD include mobilising ISA based on simple police reports that any tom dick and harry can make against anyone without any investigations or intelligence work done first. It can even be mobilised against bloggers. All in all... it doesn't matter what the subsequent results of any investigation or prosecution is done (6 years after or more)... all the police and judiciary would say is that it was just and fair. Fark off la. The only way you get an inkling of hope to be released is if you can be used as bullet against a political enemy... not because the system is just and fair.
There was a forum held today by the BAR... in relation with the DNA bill, almost laughed... all said one thing in common... yes, the bill is good and the policy necessary BUT the question is... IS the police force COMPETANT? In other words (put a bit roughly), are the police to be trusted not to MANIPULATE? Ask anyone... ok... in this case ask anything... kambing ke, ayam kampung ke... anjing ke... all would say NO (if they could talk). We know the specificity and sensitivity of DNA testing. The question is of human error or more likely intended error. We've seen Malaysia become the laughing stock of the world when those policemen started carrying DSAI's alleged mattress (1998 sodomy case) like the holy grail. After that... notice anyone getting promoted? We can't even trust the people entrusted to protect and serve us.
Watching RTM1... Syed as the moderator... some pengarah of jabatan perpaduan and... racial integration? A guy from Institute of Ethnic relations UKM i think... and another from... social something2. Was interested when the guy from Jabatan Perpaduan commented about racial issues... mentioning it happens each time Umno, MCA and MIC elections are looming. No mention of Pakatan Rakyat. What i really wanted to comment on was the mod, Syed bantut kaki pendek. Kite tau la bapak dia kat bota tuh org umno totok. Dia pun sama. Dia tak sedar ke, jadi moderater atau commentator takle bias. Yob, paham tak maksud bias? Ke tak paham? Each and everytime an issue arises, he'd jump at a chance to degrade the opposition... he'd divert and give a bad review or direct the talk prefering BN. Kalau nak jadi anjing BN pun, jangan la bagi nampak sangat, malu kaum beb. Akta Perhubungan kaum was the topic. Someone sms on the show; All this shows failure of the education system. Couldn't have agreed more. As a batch 'experimented' by the MOE, i understand.
Todays news (TV3) was also vomit material. Isu pencerobohan tanah / hutan in Selangor. Land being developed in to houses, agriculture, bird houses... etc. A pakcik claimed he had met Yaakob Sapari with the other penerokas and was promised the problem would be solved... to make it more dramatic... he CALLED Yaakob and we could hear him talking with Yaakob. Whoa, this Exco must really be free... and this pakcik must seriously be some big shot, i mean... maybe he's royalty or a fucking billionaire investing in Selangor and Yaakob has saved this pakciks name in his hand phone and tagged as 'Bloody Important Pakcik'. The segment also interviewed a Chinese uncle in front of his house, uncle said he had bought the land for RM5000 and has lived there for 12 years. Oh yeah, pakcik peneroka tadi lak... 7 tahun mengusahakan tanah tu. Owh... Pakatan Rakyat has been in power for? A few months. Get the pic? 'Pencerobohan Tanah Semakin Tak Terkawal' was the title... indicating maybe that somehow... at one point of time everybody picked up a new hobby... MENCEROBOH TANAH conveniently when Pakatan Rakyat took over? Wtf. Wartawan2 TV3 ni bodoh ke hape. Pengarah Jabatan Hutan confirmed that the land was trespassed. Confirm je ke? lain tak wat ke? Ke dapat arahan dari org lain, suh bia and jadikan isu? Banyak sangat anjing sekarang ni, tak terkawal.
An MCA lady mentioned that Malays aren't actually peribumi here in Malaysia. Real Malaysians? Orang asli. Shes probably right. Get rid of the bumiputera status. Let Malays suffer and go thru hardship. Orang Melayu memang dah lemak tahap bodoh. Let the Chinese and Indians rule... baru rasa. Baru sedar selama ni kena tipu kena suntut ngan pemimpin umno. This is one reason why PAS will always remain relevant, they are based on a religion where race dont mean a shit.
Today's paper announced petrol prices are to be reduced another 10-20 cents. Roughly about 6.1% reduction. Previously already reduced by 10 cents... Now it costs 2.30 per liter... still a far cry from the 1.92... and we're supposed to feel happy? I doubt food prices or other stuff will be reduced. KPDN is just a court jester. Prices will not go up but they still do. There is nothing that would stop traders to maintain pricing currently. Was wondering why we never did fluctuate fuel prices according the global market before the Pak Lah administration.
Anyways, the umno elections is getting way out of hand. umno members opressing umno members? some meetings being called null and void? more ballots then delegates? election hopefuls being subject to character assassination? blackmail? money politics? you name the fucking problem... they have it. Put two and two together... this is just a PARTY election. imagine what they do in REAL elections. Imagine how they GOVERN. Again its good mainstream papers highlight this. The not so stupid majority can judge.
Owh... the local artists have made quite a stir objecting Datuk Shah's datukship. What the hell does a multi million dollar hot shot bollywood actor whose movies transcends borders have in comparison to a local artist who can barely act or even have enough money to pay bills??? Erm.. whats his/her name... erm... i can't even remember any local actor/tress names. Ok, the late P.Ramlee... one. Hell yeah.... we have so much talent... our industry has reached bollywood status, and our actors have payslips accounting to millions per annum. Maybe thats why they are barking so much. Tak sedar diri tul. Owh, did you know... to bring in outside artists... one has to pay royalty or some sort of fee to the ministry of culture and arts? i'm talking not 500 bucks... but tens of thousands. Understood that it was to protect our local entertainment industry... see, we are that weak, useless and so incompetent we have to make a law deterring outside artists from competing. Same as proton. If there were no levies taxes duties on continental cars... even i could afford a beemer even when i'm unemployed.
I always made it a point never to pay to see a locally shot movie, no matter what the review. I was onced forced by a girlfriend to watch... erm... cinta.. sailormoon? something starting with cinta something2 around 10 years ago... slept the whole stretch of the movie. At that point i just assumed i was doing my part contributing to the local movie industry by parting with some money out of pity. My point is... P. Ramlee despite being advanced and evergreen for his time... until now the current industry hasn't caught up.
Ok... only one tv programme did catch my attention... Upin & Ipin, saying so... because my kid loved it. The animations were so-so... but to me... it was a major breakthrough. We are in 2008 but still unable to produce a simple animation of the Doraemon/Dragonball/Yuyu Hakusho quality/generation... saddening. Pathetic.
Hopefully rezeki murah. already got a profile for some services somebody wanted. Also theres a possibility of getting a job + maintenance in putrajaya... and on friday will be meeting up with a potential client interested in our services... besides a meeting on the 22nd here in the east coast regarding some investment in something rather interesting. All legal mind you. >.<
At October 15, 2008 at 12:18 PM ,
Anonymous said...
So happened to bump into your blog and boy was i glad! ;)
Great writing pak, you deserve an....err, Datukship??
You summed it up real nice, dunsuntutmybuntut..it's the in thing these days eh? :)
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