Party Hopping....
Someone mentioned about drafting an anti-hopping law, referring to party hopping between political parties. they harped on such words as betrayal, resigning posts and returning power to constituents, a crime and punishable by imprisonment and etc.
i beg to differ. party hopping is only natural at this stage of political maturity among Malaysian politicians. at one time ago, when master says, dog do. nowadays is master ask nicely with good incentives without disrupting constituents trust, then dog do. my point is that politician or aduns or mps were not as obedient as they were. this is definitely a good sign since not all party leadership decisions are good, most of them are just self serving and for the sake of other individuals and never the general population. join us or suffer. i believe this is one of the main causes why reps jump ship. the existence of passionate and caring reps have started to overshadow the evil and oppressing party leadership. if the party involved no longer fights for the peoples ideals... then why not jump ship? its better betraying the party than betray the people. the in thing is to vote for the individual, not the party.
its rare to see a BN MP vote for an opposition motions. but not uncommon for an opposition voting for a BN motion. If a BN MP votes for a motion by the opposition, it would be considered as against party rules even when the motion is for the benefit of the people. so tell me, where is the common sense in this? You can't go against the party EVEN if its for the benefit of the people??? If there was a motion by the BN president to make all Malaysian eat shit for a week, the BN reps will vote for it!? If not, they'd be going against party principles???
why bother hanging posters of leaders everyone hates and despises during elections and by-elections? some party's just never learn. the younger generation has more access to alternative media and information. it is no longer adequate using biased media and oppressing strategies. they seriously have to revamp the party and if need change the leadership giving way to fresh clean politicians who are capable of bringing change.
so to all aduns or MP's, please do jump ship if your current party no longer fights for the people. to those suggesting an enactment of an anti-hopping law, get a grip and think back carefully. do you seriously think the people will show support to a party that forgets the people? well, just look at the last elections. we all now know what to expect for the next election. there are more serious crimes than party hopping... corruption, power abuse, sex scandals and more sinister deeds done by politicians... why blabber on party hopping.