Food & Freedom, at the price of your Life
Waiting for my wife, finishes work around 6.30pm.
Staying in Dungun gave me a lot of free time, time spent reading and browsing daily papers while sipping coffee at 9 a.m., till whatever time i please. On the way back from sending the wife (to her office), normally i'd make a short stop at the newspaper vendors stall.
Now in Dungun, there are a few stalls. One before the junction entering the new 'town' area, another on the opposite side of the road, close to food stalls and the other just before simpang entering Balai Besar.
My favorite would be the one in town, they sell ciggies too, go figure. One stone, two birds. NST is a must, BH too. Occasionally Metro & Star. No need to buy the Opposition papers, already have them in both homes (never do i get a chance to buy 'em first).
One thing i realized, columnists in any mainstream paper, seem to come from a different world. At least a different country. Their words, comments and point of view clearly shows they are people living in a certain comfort zone, unexposed to the daily problems of commoners or the majority of Malaysians. In other words, in Malay, their writings are 'syok sendiri', describing that its the people who are at fault, cope, buck up, change yourself for the good, yadayadayada, you get the picture.
For instance in todays paper (NST), a bungling idiot commented on how Malaysians are 'complainers'. We complain too much. We do nothing to help the situation, just complain-complain-complain. Which to me is, GOOD! Its good to complain. Its good to voice out our discomfort. Why not? Lemme give an example or the mentioned writers point of view...
Traffic jams, Malaysians complain about traffic, but non are willing to share and car pool or use the public transport system. We should take example of Europeans, Japanese and such. Yadayadayada. My God, we to compare with the JAPANESE? The Europeans? Didn't know we were a developed country already. If the writer ever reads this, here are some personal POV regarding traffic;
1. Malaysia does not practice planned development. Our policy is to build at will, plan according to personal interest and forget about proper drainage, sewerage, environmental preservation. Proof? All towns are jammed up. Even Seremban, Kuantan, KB and KT are experiencing traffic jams. Those previously in power paid no heed, so does their predecessors. Its another wonderful Malaysian culture, besides corruption.
2. Our automotive policy knows no boundaries when it comes to car sales. We should have considered limiting sales of vehicles. With no limits, comes over flooding. Thus congestion. 3 cars per family policy, or something like that. Any minister with brains out there?
3. Heres my favorite part, related to planned development/infrastructure.... highways. NONE function. Well, maybe the north south highway. But highways in KL, you'd have to spend at least a few hundred per month just on tolls, considering average people earn around RM 1.5-2k per month, thats one big chunk. All the highways in KL in the end turn up in the bottle neck areas. SMART? More like DUMB. Heard there were cracks. On the ministers head or the SMART tunnel's walls, i'm not sure. Sure wish those concession contracts would be made public. That would sure make headlines and a few heads would be chopped off. If not by angry mobs, then at least by the powers that be, as scapegoats.
4. Accidents. Well, this is truly and uniquely Malaysian. We drive recklessly, inconsiderately, dangerously and willing to crash to prove a point. There isn't a day when my blood pressure does not boil up facing bastard drivers. We should practice defensive driving. Not OFFENSIVE LICENSE TO KILL DRIVING. The driving schools, the corruption at JPJ, among some factors. This is the result when something that should be government controled, becomes privatized and monetary gain is prioritized.
5. Our public transport system sucks. I repeat, sucks. The KTMB Commuter was once reliable, 10 years back. Now? Delays, the seats are uncomfortable, the doors squeak, the window panels cracked, not much difference if you imagine yourself in a Delhi train (except for the air-conditioning). Mono-rail? Bloody small. Made for Mongoloid persons. Not practical at all. Putra LRT and Star are a bit more reliable. Buses? Killers. Recently there has been a spur bus related accidents and deaths. The scapegoat? Bus operators of course. You see, in Malaysia its never the related government agencies fault or failure. The related minister never gets blamed. Its always the people who try to make an honest living thru corruption and bureaucracy. In the end its the victims, in some cases DEAD MALAYSIANS (sometimes dead blown up Mongolians too) that go undefended. Taxi's? Don't get me started. CEKIK DARAH.
6. Another cause of traffic jams are... well, politicians, office holders, Sultans and celebrations. I always wondered if escorting corrupt politicians were the police force's sole purpose. They block roads hours before the PM passes by. Even jammed up roads can be made clear. I mean, if they can erase poverty and corruption as effectively as they can clear up roads for idiots with power, sure would make Malaysia a much better place to live in. How many times have you been stucked in a traffic jam in KL just because there was a VVIP passing by or a parade or whatever was in progress? Why should they be driven around by lackeys gliding thru the roads while we are stuck in horrible BP increasing jams? WE VOTED THEM. WE PAY TAXES. Think.
My point is, the only reason people (most commonly) complain is when they can do nothing about it, and if they do (take the law in their own hands) they get booked. So what to do? Complain endlessly. Even complaining and voicing out views has come under scrutiny lately by the people in power. Sure would love to see a site or forum where views can be freely voiced and open for debate. If they have nothing to hide, why show fear and cower behind threats?
In todays, or was it yesterdays... MOH's Minister mentioned that the pesticide levels in fresh vege's were under control, REFUTING a study made by UKM and another body i ceased to remember. Its not really a surprise. MOH even refutes its OWN STUDIES. Believe me, i know it too well. Studies done over months and years of efforts when presented (in less than half an hour) was simply farted upon and deemed unnecessary or irrelevant. In other words if the findings were disclosed it would show the ministry's weakness, or would give no monetary gain to anybody. Business forums and chat rooms are officially calling Malaysian office holders as "10% Bosses/Datuks", anything or everything = 10% for them.
Staying in Dungun gave me a lot of free time, time spent reading and browsing daily papers while sipping coffee at 9 a.m., till whatever time i please. On the way back from sending the wife (to her office), normally i'd make a short stop at the newspaper vendors stall.
Now in Dungun, there are a few stalls. One before the junction entering the new 'town' area, another on the opposite side of the road, close to food stalls and the other just before simpang entering Balai Besar.
My favorite would be the one in town, they sell ciggies too, go figure. One stone, two birds. NST is a must, BH too. Occasionally Metro & Star. No need to buy the Opposition papers, already have them in both homes (never do i get a chance to buy 'em first).
One thing i realized, columnists in any mainstream paper, seem to come from a different world. At least a different country. Their words, comments and point of view clearly shows they are people living in a certain comfort zone, unexposed to the daily problems of commoners or the majority of Malaysians. In other words, in Malay, their writings are 'syok sendiri', describing that its the people who are at fault, cope, buck up, change yourself for the good, yadayadayada, you get the picture.
For instance in todays paper (NST), a bungling idiot commented on how Malaysians are 'complainers'. We complain too much. We do nothing to help the situation, just complain-complain-complain. Which to me is, GOOD! Its good to complain. Its good to voice out our discomfort. Why not? Lemme give an example or the mentioned writers point of view...
Traffic jams, Malaysians complain about traffic, but non are willing to share and car pool or use the public transport system. We should take example of Europeans, Japanese and such. Yadayadayada. My God, we to compare with the JAPANESE? The Europeans? Didn't know we were a developed country already. If the writer ever reads this, here are some personal POV regarding traffic;
1. Malaysia does not practice planned development. Our policy is to build at will, plan according to personal interest and forget about proper drainage, sewerage, environmental preservation. Proof? All towns are jammed up. Even Seremban, Kuantan, KB and KT are experiencing traffic jams. Those previously in power paid no heed, so does their predecessors. Its another wonderful Malaysian culture, besides corruption.
2. Our automotive policy knows no boundaries when it comes to car sales. We should have considered limiting sales of vehicles. With no limits, comes over flooding. Thus congestion. 3 cars per family policy, or something like that. Any minister with brains out there?
3. Heres my favorite part, related to planned development/infrastructure.... highways. NONE function. Well, maybe the north south highway. But highways in KL, you'd have to spend at least a few hundred per month just on tolls, considering average people earn around RM 1.5-2k per month, thats one big chunk. All the highways in KL in the end turn up in the bottle neck areas. SMART? More like DUMB. Heard there were cracks. On the ministers head or the SMART tunnel's walls, i'm not sure. Sure wish those concession contracts would be made public. That would sure make headlines and a few heads would be chopped off. If not by angry mobs, then at least by the powers that be, as scapegoats.
4. Accidents. Well, this is truly and uniquely Malaysian. We drive recklessly, inconsiderately, dangerously and willing to crash to prove a point. There isn't a day when my blood pressure does not boil up facing bastard drivers. We should practice defensive driving. Not OFFENSIVE LICENSE TO KILL DRIVING. The driving schools, the corruption at JPJ, among some factors. This is the result when something that should be government controled, becomes privatized and monetary gain is prioritized.
5. Our public transport system sucks. I repeat, sucks. The KTMB Commuter was once reliable, 10 years back. Now? Delays, the seats are uncomfortable, the doors squeak, the window panels cracked, not much difference if you imagine yourself in a Delhi train (except for the air-conditioning). Mono-rail? Bloody small. Made for Mongoloid persons. Not practical at all. Putra LRT and Star are a bit more reliable. Buses? Killers. Recently there has been a spur bus related accidents and deaths. The scapegoat? Bus operators of course. You see, in Malaysia its never the related government agencies fault or failure. The related minister never gets blamed. Its always the people who try to make an honest living thru corruption and bureaucracy. In the end its the victims, in some cases DEAD MALAYSIANS (sometimes dead blown up Mongolians too) that go undefended. Taxi's? Don't get me started. CEKIK DARAH.
6. Another cause of traffic jams are... well, politicians, office holders, Sultans and celebrations. I always wondered if escorting corrupt politicians were the police force's sole purpose. They block roads hours before the PM passes by. Even jammed up roads can be made clear. I mean, if they can erase poverty and corruption as effectively as they can clear up roads for idiots with power, sure would make Malaysia a much better place to live in. How many times have you been stucked in a traffic jam in KL just because there was a VVIP passing by or a parade or whatever was in progress? Why should they be driven around by lackeys gliding thru the roads while we are stuck in horrible BP increasing jams? WE VOTED THEM. WE PAY TAXES. Think.
My point is, the only reason people (most commonly) complain is when they can do nothing about it, and if they do (take the law in their own hands) they get booked. So what to do? Complain endlessly. Even complaining and voicing out views has come under scrutiny lately by the people in power. Sure would love to see a site or forum where views can be freely voiced and open for debate. If they have nothing to hide, why show fear and cower behind threats?
In todays, or was it yesterdays... MOH's Minister mentioned that the pesticide levels in fresh vege's were under control, REFUTING a study made by UKM and another body i ceased to remember. Its not really a surprise. MOH even refutes its OWN STUDIES. Believe me, i know it too well. Studies done over months and years of efforts when presented (in less than half an hour) was simply farted upon and deemed unnecessary or irrelevant. In other words if the findings were disclosed it would show the ministry's weakness, or would give no monetary gain to anybody. Business forums and chat rooms are officially calling Malaysian office holders as "10% Bosses/Datuks", anything or everything = 10% for them.