Singa Beng

Just ramblings.

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Malay Politician


Was shocked to hear the Sultan's son stepping down from his post in FAM. Some say it was because of our national team's horrendous form in the asian cup. Some say he felt responsible if not hopeless seeing the quality of Malaysian football, all this while under his fathers leadership??? A harsher version would be, he just gave up and lost all hope.

The main issue here is, HE ACTUALLY RESIGNED!!! I mean, how many leaders would do that?! It doesn't matter if he does feel responsible or not or if he is, but he did resign. It's like hearing Samy Vellu say 'I'm sorry, it was my mistake, i will take responsibility and resign'. Or even better, Rafidah admitting about the AP issue. Maybe these MPs and ministers should take heed of this. Resign while you still can.

I have been reading NewsWeek for a while now, opened up my views a bit. All this while i thought only Malaysia sucked, had no idea Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Columbia and a few other countries sucked too. All had the same similar scenario, people in power wanted to stay in power, the people suffered, some died, even the judiciary system was tainted with shit. Control of the media, detention of opposition without trial.Condemning outside interference. My God, WE ARE NOT ALONE!!!!

In a few more years, Muslim Malays will be a minority group. I stress Muslim Malays because, u might be Malay, doesn't mean you'd be a Muslim. Just look at our youngsters today, drinking alcohol, pre-marital sex, no social identity (if they did have any, it wouldn't be from this region)... definitely not Islam. Social problems indicates a malformed society. Maybe not in your neighborhood, but in Malaysia generally. No strong religious family background or education. I do not condone extremism, since there is no such thing in Islam. Islam, as whole.

Recently during a khutbah, got so pissed at the Imam i almost shouted out 'BODOH NOK MAMPUS MU NIH, BLAJO AGAMO TINGGI2, OTOK DOK RETI GUNE!!!' or something like that. You see, since the state government (under state religious affairs) monitors all khutbah's, it has made our imam's stupid, lifeless, bangang, bongok and sampah. Khutbahs are supposed to be given by those with sound religious and academic background. Someone who knows current issues, relates them with Dalils, argue the points and summarize the khutbah. Make no mistake, khutbah is a form of media (if you may), a strong and powerful tool used by many generations of Muslim to disperse info, be it for propaganda, Jihad, or whatever other purpose Ulama's deem necessary. When i say ulama's, it means these are the groups that are QUALIFIED to give khutbahs, not monkeys given a text to read. Master say, monkey do. Bodoh tul imam2 yang berkenaan. blaja agama sampai ke mesir, jordan, sampai Malaysia jadi beruk. Must be near kiamah.

Recently Zainudin Maidun brushed away complaints about a few films accused of insulting Islam. Zainuddin? What the hell does he know about Islam? He's a secular bastard!!!! Most ministers are just Islam by name, they have not an inkling of fundamental Islamic beliefs and values. How the hell would he know what would be wrong or right from an Islamic view? These buggers want to burn in hell so much they make it too obvious. gtg.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Mental Poverty

Haven't been blogging for... a while. busy. well not THAT busy but haven't the opportunity to sit down and type.

Seems to me the GE is coming up. Public servants got a pay rise, cops and the army, suddenly a rush to finish the 9th Malaysian Plan projects, promises of development, the sorts. Lots and lots of ceremonies here and there, charity give aways, programs by uni kids, minnows caught for corruption as token sacrifices to please the public. Ah, Eric Chia was cut loose! Lucky him. So the question is, WHO embezzled the RM 76m? Case closed just like that. Thats the Malaysian Judiciary system for you. The past decade we've become the laughing stock of the world... shouting democracy, transparency. All posers.

The Altantuya case was fun to follow. The script was written even before Altantuya was blown up. Again another show of the system's incompetence, involvement of executive power and a mockery of justice. Even the most unintelligent homo sapien would think of:

1. where did the record of Altantuya's entry went? deleted? by whom?
2. C4 is not a plaything. it involves national security and integrity.
3. UTK's were involved, showing mis usage of the law enforcement.
4. Original defendants claimed of 'third party involvement' leading to withdrawal. No questions asked?
5. Transparency of the presiding judge. Hey, no ones above the law, so they say...
6. USD 500,000... asked by Altantuya... FOR WHAT? No mention whatsoever.
7. Witnesses, some totally a joke. I mean, if a UTK can blow up some one with C4 that easily, theres no reason not to consider the possibility of evidence tampering, blackmailing witnesses are there?

Lets just see what happens. Most probably it'll end up with the scapegoats getting the axe, while the masterminds smile... Same as the Perwaja scandal. As so other numerous scandals involving high ranking officials. In other words, they are invincible. Lets see what happens in the afterlife (for those who believe la).

Mental poverty. This is not really a new issue, but rather a result of government policy back firing. Recently, a few provinces were selected for a research funded by a gov ministry regarding the hard core poor. This supposedly fell under a different gov department's jurisdiction, but hey, the ministry didn't TRUST feedback from that department. See, even among gov bodies theres mistrust.

Can you just imagine, the research staff filling in questionnaires going home to home(list given by erm... not sure, maybe welfare dept or from DO's) with thoughts of meeting half naked under nourished kids, 'reban-like' homes... but finding acceptable houses (moderate size), PLASMA screen TV's, brand new Gen-2's/Wira's!!! Sheesh, even I dont have a plasma screen tv! Hard-core poor my arse!!!

So the question is, who selects these so called hard core poor? Who is responsible of monitoring , training (income generating activities) and giving feedback to the welfare dept? From my understanding, the jurisdiction of the welfare department is so lame and outdated, not integrated and centralized and full of bias.

A welfare officer will request names from JKK, Village Heads, DO's. These people who submit the lists... well... fill up the names with say.... their siblings? aunts? uncles? dua pupu belah mak mentua tuk sedara belah pok? Crazy. See what happens when Malays have an incy wincy bit of power? imagine those with real power. These people who have been accepting financial assistance from the welfare department, become DEPENDANT. They prefer to stay below the minimum wage just to get this welfare assistance. Hina tak hina orang Melayu, pikir sendiri la.

This has been going on for decades and it wont stop easily. Those in related positions would definitely deny, question the methodology of the research (which is hilarious since they have no farking idea what methodology means, and lets just say some Malay MP's are just plain DUMB), debate the issue... and in the end set up a totally dysfunctional board/commission/whatevertheycallit to look in the issue that ceases to function within a year and opinions farted at. Thats Malaysia.

There is (so far) no integrated system or program or policy that executes and monitors development of hard core poor, making them capable of being self sufficient by doing income generating activities. Even Amanah Ikhtiar does giveaways only. Gerakan Daya Wawasan was a flump. The policy was superb, the execution lousy. The related ministry should revive and make improvements. FOR THE PEOPLE. Give assistance, training, funding to the people to become entrepreneurs. Ally with other agencies for marketing and product development. All this while only superficial programs were done. This has to change. No other country is as irresponsible as Malaysia regarding this matter.

Private sectors should be more involved. Take example of Yayasan Bukhari. They too could do with more improvement. All MP's should make a study/research on income generating activities among the poor so customized activities and training could be done to cater villages individually; since most have differing locations, natural resources and specialties. MP's should be transparent in this issue, do not be ashamed or reserved in exposing problems within the community. Then again, MP's rarely visit their constituents. Most are busy securing monetary gain from their positions. Cant blame them, blame those who elect these people.

My personal view, revamp all the relevant authorities. Transparency. Honesty. Sincerity. Just handing out money is not enough. Especially when it becomes bait nearing elections.
