Friday Prayers, 50 years of independence (slavery)...
So yesterday went for Friday prayers, a Masjid in Dungun, Terengganu.
The past decade or so, all Khutbahs have been monitored, written and edited by the state Islamic Department. This basically means that the contents are strictly controlled by those so called ustaz / ulama' in Jabatan Agama of every state. Now, i wonder if Islam as a religion preached to be so pure, allows its preachers to be utilized a a propaganda tool? We all clearly know that in Malaysia, there is no differentiation between a government and a political party, 50 years of independence just made us slaves by the ruling party. Even our tok imam's are controlled if not brainwashed to follow their political masters. You don't obey, thats it for you.
You see, every week the contents of the khutbah's are customized to address issues hot in the papers/media/or some statement or issue made by a top government official, sometimes a wee bit late by a few weeks (like yesterdays, about the AIDS threat, since World AIDS Day was held 2 weeks prior). I welcome the issue of AIDS, its high time Muslims are educated about this frowned upon syndrome. However, it would be much much wiser if the contents of the khutbah addressed the issue of prevention, who should be responsible, measures to control, what the public can do and instill fear of God's wrath towards immoral and clearly haram way of life leading to the condition. I mean, how effective could a khutbah be if these are not highlighted. My point being; I do not care so much of the issue of khutbah's being controlled, but PLEASE make sure the contents are relevant, not politically motivated and transparent. Tok-tok Imam yang dihormati, ingatlah apa yang korang sampaikan masa khutbah, korang kena bertanggungjawab. Andaikata ada unsur KEZALIMAN, BID'AH, FITNAH, TOHMAHAN dan SINDIRAN yang tak sepatutnya ada di dalam khutbah tapi tetap disebut, jawab la kat akhirat nanti. Tok-tok imam yang dipandang mulia oleh masyarakat, ingat bahawa korang la yang akan menentukan jatuh bangunnya sesebuah masyarakat. Jangan sekadar memakai jubah, kopiah, serban tapi hati buta tentang permasalahan Islam. Jangan jadi buta terhadap masalah kepimpinan negara yang dipenuhi rasuah, kejahilan, maksiat dan unsur2 jenayah. Jangan jadi anjing mengikut telunjuk pihak2 yang hanya mementingkan agenda politik individu, pikirlah tentang masyarakat Islam dan rakyat. Jangan dibutakan oleh alasan (yang diberi oleh mereka yang belum tentu berpegang pada lunas Islam) pecah belah antara orang Islam. Malaysia Negara Islam kata mereka, tapi lihat di KL, G.A.B. (guiness anchor berhad) tersergam MEGAH. Genting Highlands, disco, pub, malahan Street Festival bersepah2 dengan maksiat. Dari mana kerajaan membayar gaji rakyatnya? dari hasil kutipan cukai, termasuklah tax dari benda2 yang disebut tadi.
Ketua Agama, dikatakan Sultan. Tapi lihatlah, Konsert DiRaja Kedah. Buta2 mendedahkan aurat, bercampur lelaki perempuan. Yang kaki judi??? Antah Holdings? Kerja apa yang depa buat? Ini belum lagi isu makanan. Rakyat Malaysia kebanyakannya makan hasil pemprosesan yang belum tentu 100% halal. Siapa nak bertanggungjawab? Jabatan Agama, Jakim? Atau pemimpin? Remember that sausage issue?
Sorry for rambling in Bahasa Malaysia. I feel so sad seeing our country being fucked up this way. Even those Imams and Ustazs. All being fucked up by certain parties. The problem is, how blind and stupid can people be? Cant they read? Cant they see whats going on? 50 years of independence, 50 years of turning Malaysian into political slaves.
50 years is just way too long for a single party to rule. They can change laws, policies, heck.. even the constitution... all in favor to ensure they get rich, and don't be prosecuted doing it. A stupid minister can say anything (as stupid as he is) and get away with it, even when it involves millions even billions of the peoples money. The way the current government gives statements and allocations for projects... they think THEY own the money. THEY forget its the PEOPLES money, the PEOPLES right. But nooooo, we cant even get a clear picture of the concessions agreement with highway operators. We cant even know details of IPP's (Independat Power Provider) agreement. Why the hell was there any agreement in the first place if we keep losing money from it???? Petroleum? Don't even get me started. You people have know idea how fucked up PETRONAS is. With their PDA's (HALF the cabinet is in one or another PDA) and the biggest ass; PETCO. Subsidized? Dear people of Malaysia, can anyone of you tell me a single thing that our government SUBSIDIZES? Nothing. Nothing at all. What they claim to be subsidized, are things thats supposed to be the government's responsibility. They don't do shit about education, health, basic amenities or even basic human rights. We even sell strategic companies to Singapore for a bargain. We have no National pride. We are overun with illegal immigrants who call Malaysia their own. Owh, did i mention we BUY back treated water from Singapore, a few hundred percent than of what we sold to them?
I still remember Kg. Sendayan, a FELDA in Negri 9. I also remember an amendment of the Land Act, i'll get back to you when i remember the details, but it basically states that any land can be taken if the government wants to use it. The people of Sendayan who settled and agreed with the state gov to sell, we're point blank... Bullshitted with a capital B. Look up the case. Its wonderful how you can utilize the word development and make a few million bucks. Buy land for a nickel a square foot, sell for a few bucks. Easy money. And you can even FORCE the people to sell. Amazing what a democratic country we live in.
50 years of slavery after independence, you can control people as easily as taking a lollipop from a baby. You control the mainstream media (of which i consider dogs, pulled by a leash by their political master, told when to shit, when to eat, even to eat shit), you even control the whole system; judiciary (remember Anwar's case, and a hundred others), the election system (phantom voters, alibaba poll boxes), the education system ( i mean hey, we were taught to obey the moment we set foot in school) and everything else. You can even say a haram thing as halal. No problemo.
Its amazing what a 40 minute khutbah can do to you. The imam babbling about issues that are to a certain extent important and relevant, but there are other urgent issues that need to be addressed. Murtad for example. Altantuya for example, why? Because a clear cut case of high profile involvement, murder, relating to a security issue (those two multi billion dollar submarines) and duuuh, is a national threat. Try asking from whom did we go thru (intermediaries) to buy the subs. You'd be surprised.
But no, Malaysians are ceremonial. We tend to forget the important stuff when our attention is diverted to festivals, concerts, Pak Lah's wedding, Citra Warna Malaysia (by the way uses tax money, how many even went to see it?), Akademi Fantasia etc. When i say that Melayu Bodoh, people get angry. Rather than getting pissed, why not sit down and think why i said that.
The past decade or so, all Khutbahs have been monitored, written and edited by the state Islamic Department. This basically means that the contents are strictly controlled by those so called ustaz / ulama' in Jabatan Agama of every state. Now, i wonder if Islam as a religion preached to be so pure, allows its preachers to be utilized a a propaganda tool? We all clearly know that in Malaysia, there is no differentiation between a government and a political party, 50 years of independence just made us slaves by the ruling party. Even our tok imam's are controlled if not brainwashed to follow their political masters. You don't obey, thats it for you.
You see, every week the contents of the khutbah's are customized to address issues hot in the papers/media/or some statement or issue made by a top government official, sometimes a wee bit late by a few weeks (like yesterdays, about the AIDS threat, since World AIDS Day was held 2 weeks prior). I welcome the issue of AIDS, its high time Muslims are educated about this frowned upon syndrome. However, it would be much much wiser if the contents of the khutbah addressed the issue of prevention, who should be responsible, measures to control, what the public can do and instill fear of God's wrath towards immoral and clearly haram way of life leading to the condition. I mean, how effective could a khutbah be if these are not highlighted. My point being; I do not care so much of the issue of khutbah's being controlled, but PLEASE make sure the contents are relevant, not politically motivated and transparent. Tok-tok Imam yang dihormati, ingatlah apa yang korang sampaikan masa khutbah, korang kena bertanggungjawab. Andaikata ada unsur KEZALIMAN, BID'AH, FITNAH, TOHMAHAN dan SINDIRAN yang tak sepatutnya ada di dalam khutbah tapi tetap disebut, jawab la kat akhirat nanti. Tok-tok imam yang dipandang mulia oleh masyarakat, ingat bahawa korang la yang akan menentukan jatuh bangunnya sesebuah masyarakat. Jangan sekadar memakai jubah, kopiah, serban tapi hati buta tentang permasalahan Islam. Jangan jadi buta terhadap masalah kepimpinan negara yang dipenuhi rasuah, kejahilan, maksiat dan unsur2 jenayah. Jangan jadi anjing mengikut telunjuk pihak2 yang hanya mementingkan agenda politik individu, pikirlah tentang masyarakat Islam dan rakyat. Jangan dibutakan oleh alasan (yang diberi oleh mereka yang belum tentu berpegang pada lunas Islam) pecah belah antara orang Islam. Malaysia Negara Islam kata mereka, tapi lihat di KL, G.A.B. (guiness anchor berhad) tersergam MEGAH. Genting Highlands, disco, pub, malahan Street Festival bersepah2 dengan maksiat. Dari mana kerajaan membayar gaji rakyatnya? dari hasil kutipan cukai, termasuklah tax dari benda2 yang disebut tadi.
Ketua Agama, dikatakan Sultan. Tapi lihatlah, Konsert DiRaja Kedah. Buta2 mendedahkan aurat, bercampur lelaki perempuan. Yang kaki judi??? Antah Holdings? Kerja apa yang depa buat? Ini belum lagi isu makanan. Rakyat Malaysia kebanyakannya makan hasil pemprosesan yang belum tentu 100% halal. Siapa nak bertanggungjawab? Jabatan Agama, Jakim? Atau pemimpin? Remember that sausage issue?
Sorry for rambling in Bahasa Malaysia. I feel so sad seeing our country being fucked up this way. Even those Imams and Ustazs. All being fucked up by certain parties. The problem is, how blind and stupid can people be? Cant they read? Cant they see whats going on? 50 years of independence, 50 years of turning Malaysian into political slaves.
50 years is just way too long for a single party to rule. They can change laws, policies, heck.. even the constitution... all in favor to ensure they get rich, and don't be prosecuted doing it. A stupid minister can say anything (as stupid as he is) and get away with it, even when it involves millions even billions of the peoples money. The way the current government gives statements and allocations for projects... they think THEY own the money. THEY forget its the PEOPLES money, the PEOPLES right. But nooooo, we cant even get a clear picture of the concessions agreement with highway operators. We cant even know details of IPP's (Independat Power Provider) agreement. Why the hell was there any agreement in the first place if we keep losing money from it???? Petroleum? Don't even get me started. You people have know idea how fucked up PETRONAS is. With their PDA's (HALF the cabinet is in one or another PDA) and the biggest ass; PETCO. Subsidized? Dear people of Malaysia, can anyone of you tell me a single thing that our government SUBSIDIZES? Nothing. Nothing at all. What they claim to be subsidized, are things thats supposed to be the government's responsibility. They don't do shit about education, health, basic amenities or even basic human rights. We even sell strategic companies to Singapore for a bargain. We have no National pride. We are overun with illegal immigrants who call Malaysia their own. Owh, did i mention we BUY back treated water from Singapore, a few hundred percent than of what we sold to them?
I still remember Kg. Sendayan, a FELDA in Negri 9. I also remember an amendment of the Land Act, i'll get back to you when i remember the details, but it basically states that any land can be taken if the government wants to use it. The people of Sendayan who settled and agreed with the state gov to sell, we're point blank... Bullshitted with a capital B. Look up the case. Its wonderful how you can utilize the word development and make a few million bucks. Buy land for a nickel a square foot, sell for a few bucks. Easy money. And you can even FORCE the people to sell. Amazing what a democratic country we live in.
50 years of slavery after independence, you can control people as easily as taking a lollipop from a baby. You control the mainstream media (of which i consider dogs, pulled by a leash by their political master, told when to shit, when to eat, even to eat shit), you even control the whole system; judiciary (remember Anwar's case, and a hundred others), the election system (phantom voters, alibaba poll boxes), the education system ( i mean hey, we were taught to obey the moment we set foot in school) and everything else. You can even say a haram thing as halal. No problemo.
Its amazing what a 40 minute khutbah can do to you. The imam babbling about issues that are to a certain extent important and relevant, but there are other urgent issues that need to be addressed. Murtad for example. Altantuya for example, why? Because a clear cut case of high profile involvement, murder, relating to a security issue (those two multi billion dollar submarines) and duuuh, is a national threat. Try asking from whom did we go thru (intermediaries) to buy the subs. You'd be surprised.
But no, Malaysians are ceremonial. We tend to forget the important stuff when our attention is diverted to festivals, concerts, Pak Lah's wedding, Citra Warna Malaysia (by the way uses tax money, how many even went to see it?), Akademi Fantasia etc. When i say that Melayu Bodoh, people get angry. Rather than getting pissed, why not sit down and think why i said that.